The gaia theory book

Lovelock has said that by naming his theory after a greek goddess, championed by many non scientists 1, the gaia hypothesis was derided as some kind of neopagan new age religion. In this revolutionary book lovelock describes his profound new theory of planetary ecology. James lovelock, environmental guru and creator of gaia theory, has a new book out. He does a wonderful job of making the teachings of gaia heartfelt and the science easily understandable. Model and metaphor for the 21st century by martin ogle in the eye of the hawk. The gaia hypothesis has since been supported by a number of scientific experiments 8 and provided a number of useful predictions, 9 and hence is properly referred to as the gaia theory. The gaia hypothesis by michael ruse gets to the heart of the question. Gaia theory and the new biology embodies the circular, metabolic logic of life. Named after the greek earth goddess, gaia, the theory was developed in the 1960s by scientist dr james lovelock.

At the time, lovelock was working for nasa, looking at. In her 1981 book, symbiosis in cell evolution, margulis had put forth the thenunheard of theory that life as we know it today evolved more from cooperation than from competition. In gaia, first published in 1979, lovelock describes the planet and all living things on it as a selfregulating entity, much like a collection of cells, organs, and bacteria together produce a living entity that we might think of as a person. A new look at life on earth oxford landmark science. But according to james lovelock, the theory s originator, that organism is now sick.

Science on a pagan planet when james lovelock came up with the gaia hypothesis, today also commonly referred to as gaia theory, he likely didnt know it. Earth as a complex living organism, rather than merely an inanimate host for the many terrestrial life forms dependent on it for sustenance. A new look at life on earth 1979 through to revenge of gaia 2006 and. A new look at life on earth 1979, the revenge of gaia 2006, and the vanishing face of gaia 2009. This is why we are seeing a growing number of conspiracies, due to the emergence and growing popularity of independent media according to the oxford dictionary, a conspiracy theory is a. The gaia theory was developed in the late 1960s by dr. Pdf james lovelock, gaia theory, and the rejection of fact. Apr 27, 2008 named after the greek earth goddess, gaia, the theory was developed in the 1960s by scientist dr james lovelock. A rough ride to the future is a lovelock book which discusses humanitys role in maintaining the earth during this period of extensive climate change.

Feb 12, 2010 a new book, the medea hypothesis, looks at the opposite of the gaia hypothesis and suggests that life on earth is selfdestructive. The theory gained an early supporter in lynn margulis. Many scientists in particular also criticised the approach taken in his popular book gaia, a new look at life on earth for being teleological. The key insight of gaia theory is that the entire earth functions as a single living superorganism. As a result, no one really pursued this notion until some 200 years later, when the english chemist james lovelock 1919 put forth a similar idea in his 1979 book, gaia. How james lovelock introduced gaia to an unsuspecting world. Reflections along the potomac by martin ogle a book for anyone interested in fostering a lasting connection with the place they call home. This set of theories holds that all organisms on a lifegiving planet regulate the biosphere in such a way as to promote its habitability. Science on a pagan planet attempts to understand why gaia was so warmly embraced by its lay audience and so brutally disparaged at least at first by.

Lovelock proposes radical theories that contrast markedly with traditional green thinking as well as forecasting in stark detail what may occur if action is not taken promptly. Jun 25, 2019 lovelocks gaia theory states that, for much of the past 3. Gaia theory shows that life and environment evolve as a single, coevolutionary process. He hypothesized that the living matter of the planet functioned like a single. The gaia theory posits that the organic and inorganic components of planet earth have evolved together as a single living, selfregulating. The gaia theory posits that the earth is a selfregulating complex system. Margulis not only provided support, but she brought her own scientific ability and achievements to the gaia hypothesis. Consider it an illustrated guide to how the world works. Stephan harding, a student of lovelock, has written a book, animate earth. In the gaia hypothesis, philosopher michael ruse, with his characteristic clarity and wit, uses gaia and its history, its supporters and detractors, to illuminate the nature of science itself. We have begun to add a new series of scientific papers by prof lovelock coauthors onto the website. Readers new to this theory and book might do well to start in two places outside the. Gaia hypothesis village as lovelock at the time bowerchalke, wiltshire, uk. Books james lovelock originator of gaia theory and.

In contrast to lovelocks later books the revenge of gaia and vanishing. Youll enjoy learning about science, nature, literature, world religions and more with our curated library of enlightening documentaries. Lovelock has developed this idea in a series of books, from gaia. Model and metaphor for the 21st century by martin ogle. All this leads to his hypothesis now known as the gaia theory that earth through. Lovelock called his theory gaia after an ancient greek goddess of the earth and published his ideas outlining the principle elements of gaia science in 1968. The theory underpinning the scientific explanation of the new functional stage of world development, similar to a single living and selfregulating system is known as gaia theory, and was first scientifically formulated by james lovelock 1979. Lovelock eloquently explains his theory and suggests sensible and empirical remedies for an ailing gaia. Exploring our lovehate relationship with gaia new scientist. It postulates that all living things have a regulatory effect on the earth. Gaia hypothesis, model of the earth in which its living and nonliving parts are viewed as a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism. The theory was initially, according to lovelock, a way to explain the fact that combinations of chemicals including oxygen and methane persist in stable concentrations in the atmosphere of the. The gaia hypothesis, also known as gaia theory or gaia principle, proposes that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings. Michael whitfield and i in a 1982 nature paper proposed that the geochemical weathering of rocks was, by itself and in the absence of life, insufficient to account for.

Aug 27, 2010 the oncetentative gaia hypothesis has become part of scientific orthodoxy and has been formally enshrined as the gaia theory, although in the us it has been dubbed earth system science. Elected to the royal society in 1974, james lovelock is the originator of gaia theory. Influences of the gaia hypothesis scientific literature. We are living in a time of prophecy, known in the bible as the book of revelations. Whilst this word often incites fear of the end times, it comes from the latin word revelatio, meaning the revealing of truth. The gaia hypothesis a, also known as the gaia theory or the gaia principle, proposes. Apr 23, 2012 james lovelock developed the gaia theory in the 1960s while working with nasa. Lovelock 1995 gave evidence of this in his second book, showing the evolution from the world of the early thermoacidophilic and. Lovelock proposes radical theories that contrast markedly with traditional green thinking as well as forecasting in stark detail what may occur if action is not taken. Ruse traces gaias connection to plato and a long history of goal. Perhaps life everywhere is intrinsically a planetary. The revenge of gaia is a scientific book by esteemed scientist james lovelock which discusses the effect human activity is having on the planet and what if anything can be done to halt the damage we have already caused. In the revenge of gaia, bestselling author james lovelock father of climate studies and originator of the influential gaia theory which views the entire earth as.

Why did the public love james lovelocks gaia theory so much while scientists hated it. Apr 10, 2020 it is worth quoting a summary by lovelock that explains the difference, taken from his 1979 book gaia. His theory, the gaia hypothesis may at first sound as if it has mystical. The gaia theory was formulated by the british scientist, james lovelock in 1970 and james lovelock then believed in sustainability and treeplanting. It claims that all of the organic and inorganic components of earth are closely integrated to form a single and self. Youll enjoy learning about science, nature, literature, world religions and more with our curated library of. James lovelock and the gaia hypothesis new scientist. Biogeochemists have devoted decades of painstaking work to. A new look at life on earth oxford landmark science new ed by lovelock, james isbn.

Why the earth is fighting backand how we can still save james lovelock, author, crispin tickell, foreword by. This version is the 2000 reissue with a new preface, corrections, and a further reading list of more recent frequently it is important to go back and read the original work that started a movement or a paradigm change, even if it seems old or outdated. T o do this we need to go to the first real gaia enthusiast, long before lovelock, and before dawkins or any other scientist. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. How james lovelock introduced gaia to an unsuspecting. Gaia is the name of the greek goddess of earth and mother of the titans. But according to james lovelock, the theorys originator, that organism is now sick. Once in a generation, perhaps, you get to read a book that will. Earth will adjust to these stresses, but the human race faces a severe test. It is worth quoting a summary by lovelock that explains the difference, taken from his 1979 book gaia. About the author james lovelock, a celebrated and often controversial scientist, author and lecturer, received a commander of the british empire cbe from the queen of. It is running a fever born of increased atmospheric greenhouse gases. Lovelocks gaia theory was written in the 1970s, but by now has become one of the most iconic environmental and scientific hypotheses, and for that reason alone, it is worth a read. He was wondering why a french philosopher was interested enough in the gaia theory to devote a whole book to it bruno latours facing gaia.

He initially published the gaia hypothesis in journal articles in the early 1970s followed by a popularizing 1979 book gaia. Gaia hypothesis 1 gaia hypothesis the study of planetary habitability is partly based upon extrapolation from knowledge of the earths conditions, as the earth is the only planet currently known to harbour life. Gaia is a proper theory that makes testable predictions. Large parts of it remind me of a love poem to the sacred earth mother we call gaia. The gaia theory views the earth as a living, selfregulatory organism in which the evolution of life is closely coupled with the evolution of the climate. What gaia theory can tell us about the outbreak of novel.

But, unusually for a scientist, books are his medium of choice. Gaia exhibits local entropy reduction which is a character of life, but so does the galaxy with star formation in the spiral arms. James lovelock developed the gaia theory in the 1960s while working with nasa. When the gaiamovement living earth green world action usa, inc. As usual his writing is framed within his gaia theory and is designed to provoke discussion. The oncetentative gaia hypothesis has become part of scientific orthodoxy and has been formally enshrined as the gaia theory, although in the us it has been dubbed earth system science.

Gaia is a book i have wanted to read for a long time. My favorite thing about gaia theory is that i paradoxically intuit that its obviously ridiculous but also that its obviously correct. The book is thought provoking and has been updated well in this edition, although the importance of chaos theory to support the gaia theory is not adequately explored. A new book, the medea hypothesis, looks at the opposite of the gaia hypothesis and suggests that life on earth is selfdestructive. James lovelock, gaia theory, and the rejection of factvalue dualism article pdf available december 2011 with 1,424 reads how we measure reads. Fritjof capra, in his fourth book, the web of life, used gaia theory to explain the complications and interconnections in the web of life. It claims that all of the organic and inorganic components of. Lovelocks gaia theory states that, for much of the past 3. An article in the new scientist of february 6, 1975, 41 and a popular book length version of the hypothesis, published in 1979 as the quest for gaia, began to attract scientific and critical attention. One part of gaia that is clearly fact is the recognition that earths organisms have a signi. According to freelance scientist james lovelock the sum of earths living systems behave like a controlling superorganism that tweaks the chemistry of the ocean and the atmosphere to keep conditions just the way it likes. Explore the world in which we live right from your computer. Newscom a scientist argues in a new book that life on earth is.

Welcome to the personal website of james lovelock, originator of gaia theory, inventor of the electron capture detector which made possible the detection of cfcs and other atmospheric nanopollutants and of the microwave oven. At the time, lovelock was working for nasa, looking at methods of detecting life on. Gaia emerged in the 1960s, a decade when authority was questioned and status and dignity stood for nothing, but its story is much older. For example, here is the gaian view of carbon dioxide. Gaia philosophy named after gaia, greek goddess of the earth is a broadly inclusive term for related concepts that living organisms on a planet will affect the nature of their environment in order to make the environment more suitable for life. If you want to learn more about gaia theory, i very highly recommend a book by stephan harding titled animate earth. Is the planet a selfregulating superorganism that is soon to give the humans the boot. Its time to take the gaia hypothesis seriously facts so. Gaias extensive documentary collection brings you eyeopening films from around the globe to inform, awaken and inspire you. Gaia contains elements of fact, theory, and wishful thinking. Jul 04, 2019 elected to the royal society in 1974, james lovelock is the originator of gaia theory. In easy to understand language with the minimum of jargon.

Gaia hypothesis humans, examples, body, used, water. Almost every debate on global warming, pollution and damage to biodiversity references this idea at some point, and with good reason, as it is an interesting idea that certainly has some valid scientific, as well as intuitive, basis. James lovelock, a british scientist and inventor, shortly after his work with nasa in determining that there was probably no life on mars. In my 2003 book lonely planets, i described what i call the living worlds hypothesis, which is gaian thinking applied to astrobiology. He talks about cellphones and the internet being good things because they keep us from getting on planes and in cars, in the absence of any evidence to this effect, and the presence of much evidence that they further disconnect us from any sense of ourselves as part of the natural world. Lovelock formulated the gaia hypothesis in journal articles in 1972 and 1974, followed by a popularizing 1979 book gaia. In 2003 he was made a royal companion of honour, in 2005 prospect placed him among the worlds top 100 public intellectuals, and in 2006 he received the wollaston medal. James lovelock originator of gaia theory and inventor of. Lovelock believes it is too late to repair the damage. The term conspiracy theory now carries quite an energetic charge because it has been deliberately used by mainstream media and government agencies to discredit counterculture. James lovelock, gaias grand old man the scientist who first theorized that our planet is a biological organism, not merely a rock, discusses life on earth and the possibilities for its future. His research led to profound new insights about life on earth.

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